Monday, 18 February 2013


Here are my views for Indusladies 4th Annual International Women’s Day Blog Contest (

Every one is not blessed with a happy go lucky woman life. Some are bound to live in their own comfort zone which makes life tough for them at times. People who live in their own comfort zone and all of a sudden had to face certain obstacles or marital issues just go by the way to end up their life as they would feel at that painful moment that they are left with no options. All this can be really put to an end. Once lifestyle, the way they think ,the way they behave their thought process does not change all of a sudden. Women who are once upon a time girls should come out of their comfort zone.
To put the end for all these issues most important thing required is education for all irrespective of gender. Then comes the question Are not educated girls facing domestic violence? Yes even educated girls are facing domestic violence.Then comes the question. Why are not educated girls unable to fight against domestic violence? Ideally they should be able to fight back but thats not happening.

Education System 
Our education system just imparts knowledge. Is that alone enough for a happy living? I would say 'No'. Reality is far different from what we read from books and what we really imagine.
 Our education system should really include pyshchology as a mandatory subject which would help a person analyse different kinds of human beings mentality or how would they react and so on. And as a part of this atleast children from the age group of 14 should be exposed to different live examples of all kinds of people and should be questioned about how they react and what will they do when they are under certain situation. This develops a self realisation aspect in children about what is right and what is wrong. Also if children are of too submissive or too aggressive behavior teachers or parents can really identify at that stage itself.

Self Defence
Children should be trained with self defence techniques. I am sure this would also work with too violent husbands. This would be useful in the worst case.

Need Change
I have seen laid back and withdrawn behavior in many girls which should come to an end.

Give and Take
"Give as well as take" . Yes this should happen. Please question urself. How many of u really take what u need from ur family?
We girls always know to give but hide our expectations deep inside our heart. This makes the so called husbands take best advantage out of it and slowly this paves the way to domestic violence. Yes losing urself because of other partner is also domestic violence. An understanding husband would always have a timely check if his wife is happy
Marriage a major step
I have heard from many girls that they have said yes for a prospective groom because their parents liked the guy very much. Arey u have to live with him lifelong. Have u ever checked if u can adjust with that person as marriage is a lifelong association. U are ready to accept him as is but have u understood his thought process.
All this self imagination should be rubbed away in case of arranged marriages and people should be open about what they really expect out of the relation.
Hope these small things make a big difference
Also i wish to see less unhapy posts in "Family and Relationship" forum in Indusladies atleast from the next generation.